Oliveros Law, LLLC is a boutique law firm focused on high net worth divorce cases. We will only take your case if we feel that your situation and our expertise are a good fit.
Divorce Litigation We are highly qualified and experienced in divorce litigation. We have extensive experience with the court process and can craft a strategy to help you reach the best possible result based on your situation and the Hawaii laws.
Divorce Settlement We have a long track record of helping people craft outside-the-box solutions to reach settlement in complex divorces. We have extensive experience negotiating and using alternative dispute resolution tools for individuals who prefer to resolve their cases with little to no court involvement, including: lawyer-assisted mediation, arbitration, and judge-led settlement conferences. These options can efficiently finalize any case, contested or uncontested.
Divorce Decrees For those who have already reached an agreement and need help formalizing it in writing, we can assist you with that process. Additionally, we can review your agreement and draft a divorce decree that best preserves your intent and your assets during the years to come.